


School Safety Blog Thumbnail

Securing Safety at School | Case Study

It was a small job, but WireCrafters' flexibility to adjust to meet the required dimensions made all the difference in securing this school area.
guarding machinery case study thumbnail

Guarding Machinery and Access to Protect People and Project | Case Study

In this case study, a pharmaceutical company needed to protect and separate certain segments of its space in order to protect its employees and products. This was a perfect opportunity for us to display the easy installation and effective qualities of our wire mesh caging and other products.

Secure Wire Partitions for Top Secret Projects | Case Study

Lynch Material Handling was able to create a manufacturing space for top secret projects. WireCrafters is known for being a secure product. So a lot of our case studies that come in are for top secret security projects. This usually means we don't get a whole lot of detail on those jobs, which is a good problem to have! Companies and organizations that are protecting things that are considered top secret are using WireCrafters to keep those secrets secure. But, we do have some details about the job, so make sure to keep reading below!
Interlocking Cage System for Material Lifts

Secure Pallet Rack System for Engineering Co. | Case Study

North Coast Bearings, based in Ohio, provides organizations with differential and transmission kits and components. After partnering with Conveyer & Caster and WireCrafters, they can maneuver through their facility safely using a material lift and an interlocking cage.

Honoring Manufacturing in Kentucky and Beyond

Happy National Manufacturing Day from WireCrafters! Today and the whole month of October, we celebrate the manufacturers in the world!
interlocking cages

Interlocking Cage System for Material Lifts | Case Study

This interlocking cage system using our wire partitions provided protection around an important material lift for this organization. Read on!
Chemical Storage Cage

Chemical Storage Cage | Case Study

This customer had a need for chemical storage in their facility. WireCrafters wire partition cage systems filled this need. Learn more.
aerosol storage featured image

Customized Space & Safe Storage for Aerosol | Case Study

This partition system offers custom height, safe aerosol storage, and access control. Do you need this kind of solution in your facility?
spectrum server security

Data & Server Security for Spectrum | Case Study

Here's an example of how our wire cage product was used by Spectrum for data & server security. Do you have a server area in your business?
Bluff-City-Law-Case-Study holding cell scenery

Wire Partitions Used in TV Production | Case Study

When we say our products are used in many ways, we mean it! Our partitions have been used on TV as holding cell scenery.

Athletic Storage & Separation for Xavier University | Case Study

Xavier University needed our wire partition for athletic storage and separation cage systems. Take a look at this case study.
inventory storage

Better Inventory Storage for Mechanical Services | Case Study

Ineffective inventory storage causes theft and more. That's why our partitions are used in businesses like this one in New England.

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