


Project: Riverhouse Apartments - Arlington, VA

Dealer: Storage and Distribution Systems - Columbia, MD

Storage Lockers Provide Residents with Additional Storage Space

Most apartments and condominiums, especially in larger cities, do not have enough closet or storage space within the living area for their tenants. As with most multi-family buildings, there are no storage sheds or garages to help solve this lack of storage options for the building’s residents.RiverHouse-Apartments-add-apartment-storage-lockers

WireCrafters' sturdy welded wire tenant storage lockers are an ideal way to provide tenants with additional storage space within common areas in these multi-family buildings. This additional storage is very valuable to the tenants, and for the building, it

can be a selling point just as valuable as a fitness center. Most building owners receive a monthly fee from their tenants for the storage space, and the payback takes only around 1 - 2 years.

WireCrafters Offers Storage Locker Design & Layout Assistance

This apartment storage project was for the purchase and installation of WireCrafters tenant storage lockers. Riverhouse Apartments has two buildings requiring 70 lockers in each. Every tenant will have a 4’-0” x 4’-0” single tier storage locker to store their out-of-season belongings.WireCrafters-installed-tenant-storage-lockers

WireCrafters the building plans and WireCrafters quickly put a quote together and included the shipping costs in the final price. Once the order was received, WireCrafters prepared a detailed CAD drawing of the tenant storage lockers that was used with the building owner to field-measure the area to be sure all the lockers would fit properly in the basement common area. As soon as WireCrafters received approval of the drawing, the order for the lockers was put into production. The tenant storage lockers arrived within a couple of weeks and the dealer's installation crew went right to work. The installation of the tenant storage lockers into the apartment building went very smoothly; mainly because of the details WireCrafters put into the CAD drawings. Part numbers on the product components matched the part numbers on the drawing, and WireCrafters included all of the hardware; even the floor anchors.

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Perfect Storage Solutions for Any Configuration

When the installation of the tenant storage lockers was complete, the owner of the building was very pleased and has plans to do more tenant storage lockers with Storage and Distribution Systems and WireCrafters.residential-storage-locker-in-apartment-basement

Storage and Distribution Systems has been selling WireCrafters products for over 20 years. Typically they sell WireCrafters' wire partitions to the industrial market for manufacturing facilities, warehouse and distribution centers, and also government agencies. They have also sold WireCrafters' machine guarding and GuardRail products to various facilities.

To learn more about our Tenant Storage Lockers or get a quote, please click the image below.

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