


Material Handling Hashtags

Hashtags are an important part of getting traffic on social media sites like Twitter or Instagram. Being in the Material Handling industry might seem difficult when it comes to creating hashtags. At least, that’s what I thought when I first was hired at WireCrafters. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Through this past year, I’ve learned many things about the industry, from following industry leading accounts, such as @MHEDAOffice or @poweredbymhi. By studying their social media posts, and reading industry related articles, I have come up with the following list of #MaterialHandling Industry related hashtags. After that, I’ve included some hashtags for specific days of the week that I have used over the course of this year.

Material Handling Related























Hashtags for the Days of the Week


#MondaysWithMilt - Something we only do at WireCrafters







#TuesdayTrivia – Throw out some industry related trivia and see who answers!

#TenantTuesday – I use this one if I ever make a tweet about our Tenant Storage Lockers.

#TestimonyTuesday – Perfect day to post a case study.

#TipTuesday - Leave an industry related tip.

#TuesdayTopics - This can change every week.


#WireCraftersWednesday – This is pretty exclusive only to WireCrafters

#WednesdayWisdom – Post something wise about safety in the warehouse.





#ThrowbackThursday – WireCrafters has been in business for over 50 years, so it’s fun to post something from early one, but Throwback can go back to last week if you want them to. Have fun with it.


#FreeQuoteFriday – WireCrafters always has free quotes, but it’s nice to designate a day where we highlight that fact.




#ShoutoutSaturday – this is a great day to give a shout out to any new followers or to highly engaging followers. @ToyotaEquipment is great at doing this.


Let me know if you use any specific hashtags on your social media accounts!

To learn more about WireCrafters follow them on social media!

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