


WireCrafters Welding Training Program - Mondays With Milt

Episode Transcript:

- Welcome to another episode of Mondays With Milt. Hey, I'm out here again with Chad Anglin. You may recognize him from a previous Mondays With Milt. Chad's the quality manager here and also the welding supervisor. And what we're looking at in the background is the welding training schedule. So, when we get new welders here, they go through a rigorous training process. And I'll let Chad kinda update you on that.

- When we bring a welder on board, first thing we do is write the welder up here and then we schedule out how long they should be on their training, until they become a third shift welder. All of our welders start on first, for training, and then go to third shift. Each category has a set amount of time and where we should be. So, if we write the date on the top, if the date on the bottom's in red, that means that we missed our due date. We write the reason why we missed our due date here. If it's in black, it means that welder is right on track. In addition to the training form, each welder gets assigned a folder. As you can see, we do have a rigorous training program. It's about ten pages long, and as they complete one section, we complete one page and that shows what they've been trained on and where they're at up-to-date.

- So this has been a great addition to WireCrafters. The capacity we now have in welding because we take this very seriously because Chad's over the Quality Department, this keeps the mistakes that go out the door in a very minimum 'cause we're confident that when the welders come through this training process, they've really got a good handle on everything we need. So, Chad, thank you for your time. We'll see you again next week on another episode of Mondays with Milt.

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