


How to Make Weld Hours Count - Mondays With Milt

- You'll see magnets everywhere.

- Welcome to another episode of Mondays with Milt. Today, were out on the production floor. I'm out here with Chad Anglin. Now, he's our Quality Manager and he's also our Welding Supervisor and we're standing here in front of the scheduling board and I'll let Chad take it from here and just give you a high level explanation of what he does everyday at the scheduling board.

- So, this is our scheduling visualization board for welding department. If you see down here, each one of these represents one cart. One cart is one day worth of work for a welder. This right here, each one represents its own individual booth. So what we do when we schedule, is as we move a cart into a booth, that magnet goes there so we can see what's being done in that booth that day. In addition, the top half of the cart top half of the booth is the first shift welder. Second, is the third shift welder. You see all of the different color codes on there, it tells us how far they are in their training or development, to what they can actually work on based on the color of it.

- [Milt] Alright, so that's some good information and this is what truly, well, we've been able to increase our capacity of all the schedules.

- We've gone from 155 in April of last year I believe, to about 205 as of next month.

- [Milt] Well that's the number of hours that we can put through in a given day in the welding areas here at WireCrafters. So that's what we got this week! Chad, thank you for the information and the update. We'll see you next week on another episode of Mondays With Milt.

Mondays With Milt Ideas

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