


Clarence J. Palmer III | Finishing Department

This month, our Employee Spotlight goes to Clarence J. Palmer III in the Finshing Department. When Clarence isn't at WireCrafters, he enjoys writing poems and raps. He also has other hobbies. Learn more below.


1. How long have you been at WireCrafters?
Almost a year.


2. What is the best thing about your job?
I like the fact that we put a lot of effort into becoming better equipped and efficient to meet the needs of our customers. I also like working for Mr. Steve and the unity among our workers.


3. What is your favorite story to tell from WireCrafters?
I enjoy telling people about the All Hands Meeting where Theo was the guest speaker.


4. What do you like to do when not in the office?
I like to do odd jobs, spend time with my family, and watch educational programs. I write poems and raps, draw, and a few other hobbies.


5. Would you rather have a rare disease that makes you always say everything that is on your mind or lose the ability to ever speak again?
I love to speak my mind.


6. What is a quote you appreciate?
Take advantage of the situation.
Don't take advantage of others.
Under pressure, never let them see you sweat.
By all means, I'm going to get it done.

Clarence J. Palmer III | Finishing Department

Clarence J. Palmer III

Finishing Department

Each month, we focus on one employee. We ask questions about what they do at the company as well as what they do in their free time. Answers range from going to the lake, to writing poetry. We have a lot of unique talent among our workforce. Make sure to subscribe to our monthly newsletter to get more spotlights each month!

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