


Securing Safety at School | Case Study

School Security image

A school in California found itself with an area of the school they wanted to keep off limits from students. However, this area had very specific dimensions, with a single door and partitions of varying sizes. WireCrafters had the perfect solution for what turned into a fairly simple installation.

Dealer Name: EP Pape

Customer (End User): School in Southern California

Product Purchased from WireCrafters: Wire Partitions

Problem and Application

The school wanted to secure an area from students, and other people who did not need to come into this area.

Simple WireCrafters partitions and a single hinge door were used to secure the area and allow only those authorized to have access. Our flexibility and custom options allowed us to fit our partitions in any required area. 

School Security image

Why Choose WireCrafters

It was a small job, but WireCrafters' flexibility to adjust to meet the required dimensions made all the difference in securing this school area.

Our wire partitions are the perfect choice for any organization needing to secure an area of their space. Reach out today to request a quote!

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