


- Welcome to another episode of Mondays with Milt. Now today I'm out here on the production floor and I'm with our scheduling team. I got Tracy Garrett and Jayne Davis. So this is the scheduling board for the saw department. So you wanna tell kinda what goes on here.

- [Tracy] So what this does, we break down each line their production for each day that we're gonna be writing. What it does is it tells you how many hours you're gonna be having and it has the capacity on there and when they need to go over capacity, we put the over capacity magnet on it, letting the saw department workers know where to put the additional man power they need.

- So Jayne, you kinda own this board

- I do.

- So you come in, get up on your stool, and you fill out the numbers.

- [Jayne] Yes.

- All right, and then the leader of the saw department he comes over and see's where he's gotta what he's gotta do.

- Yes.

- And as you said if he's over capacity, he's gotta add more people to it.

- Yes, more man hours.

- All right. Okay, so that's what we got in the saw department, that's how we make sure that we get everything ready so we can flow to the welding department. All right, that's all we got this week, we'll see ya next week on another episode of Mondays with Milt.

Mondays With Milt Ideas

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