


Mondays with Milt - WireCrafters Original Location

Welcome to another episode of Mondays With Milt. In celebration of our 50th Anniversary, WireCrafters wanted to bring you to the original location at 500 Downes Terrace. You can see that the building that we were in was quite small. Now today our current location is only about a half-mile down the road and we’ll take you over to that in just a moment.

So now we’re here at 6208 Strawberry Lane. This is the current location and this is the 4th move that we’ve been in & we’ve been in this facility for over 30 years. This is the one we plan on staying in for quite a long time. As you can see, we went from about 20,000 sq. ft. on Downes Terrace to 220,000 sq. ft. on Strawberry Lane.

Over the past 50 years, we’ve added a lot of products & applications and this company has really grown tremendously. So, we’re very proud of what we’ve done here in Louisville, we’ve got a great location, a great building & we look forward to working another 50 years. That’s all we’ve got today, thank you very much & see you next week on Mondays With Milt.

For fifty years now, WireCrafters has been dedicated to providing our customers with creative solutions for their safety, security, and storage needs, while meeting commitments with exceptional quality by people who care. Let us help you bring your facility to the next level.

About Mondays With Milt

Mondays With Milt is a weekly series hosted by our Company President, Milt Tandy. Milt travels to different areas of the shop, his home, and occasionally out of state. He brings fun and a lot of product knowledge! Subscribe to our YouTube channel or follow us on our other social media channels to see more of Milt!

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