


Tubing at the Lake | Mondays With Milt

This week, we travel to do some tubing at the lake, Nolin Lake. If you've got some ideas on where we should do some future episodes, please feel free to let us know.

Don't get stupid! Hey, Good Morning & welcome to another episode of Mondays With Milt. Today, me & my trusty cameraman David Fishburn, we are on the beautiful Nolin Lake. And YES, we are in a tube. You know, we're always trying to sell Wire Partition. But some days, you just gotta take a break, You gotta stop...Oh My God, You gotta hold on. Somedays you just gotta enjoy the day. I think this might be worse than the roller coaster ride! Now, if you have any suggestions where you think we should do a Monday's With Milt be sure to let us know. Just send it to Sales...Oh God, Send your ideas to sales@wirecrafters.com & maybe we can do another one with a little excitement. That's all we got today folks, see you at the next episode.


About Mondays With Milt

Mondays With Milt is a weekly series hosted by our Company President, Milt Tandy. Milt travels to different areas of the shop, his home, and occasionally out of state. He brings fun and a lot of product knowledge! Subscribe to our YouTube channel or follow us on our other social media channels to see more of Milt!

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