


Lift Out GuardRail | Mondays With Milt

Milt and Chase discuss out lift out GuardRail option this week on Mondays With Milt. To learn more about this GuardRail, you can watch the episode above or click here to get a quote.

Lift Out GuardRail Episode Transcript

- Welcome to another episode of Mondays With Milt. Now, today I'm back out on the production floor. I've got my summer intern here, Chase Shellman. What we have today is this railing is protecting this electrical panel, but we have to be able to get to it from time to time. So we are using these lift out rails. So Chase, go ahead, you can just simply lift it up, move it out, don't let that fall on me, and then you can get to the machinery that you need to. So Chase, you've been in the sales department now for about a month, how do you like working at WireCrafters in the sales department?

- I'm enjoying it, all the people are great. Everyone's very helpful and I get to deal with good stuff like this, it's very easy and efficient.

- Oh, well said. All right, Chase, thank you very much. So that's what we got this week. We'll see you next week on another episode of Mondays With Milt.

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