


Case Studies

wire partitions rachel's closet

Wire Partitions Enclosure | Case Study

Read about our wire partitions that were used as an enclosure at this school. Our wire partitions can be used for a variety of products.
athletic storage cage

Athletic Storage Case Study | McMinnville High School

McMinnville High School utilized our wire partition to build an athletic storage cage. Our wire partition cage will keep your athletic equipment secure.
wire partitions case study

Wire Partitions Case Study | Faurecia Interiors

Faurecia Interiors was in need of wire partitions to secure inventory and access control for certain areas in their plant.

Wire Partitions Case Study | Strata Network

Strata Network utilized WireCrafters wire partitions in their warehouse. Learn more about the job in this wire partitions case study.
marijuana storage pinterest graphic

Marijuana Inventory Storage – Harborside Farms

We worked with Harborside Farms in Monterey County, California who is "committed to producing the highest quality sun-grown, Clean Cannabis for the best price while being a model farm of the future." Read more about marijuana inventory storage.
wire partition case study

Wire Partition Cage Case Study – Multiple Sided Cages

John Walson, original owner of Service Electric Company, was recognized by the U.S. Congress and the National Cable Television Association as the founder of the cable television industry. The company has easily adapted and continues to lead the way in the industry. They serve over 290,000 subscribers across 250 communities in Central and Northeastern Pennsylvania and Northwestern New Jersey. As such, we are proud to have our products serve a functional role in keeping their inventory secure.
WireCrafters Case Studies

WireCrafters Case Studies | Mondays With Milt 

David Fishburn, WireCrafters Marketing Manager, discusses the importance of WireCrafters's Case Studies.
wire partition case study

Case Study – Inventory Cage for Broadband Company – Wire Partition

John Walson, original owner of Service Electric Company, was recognized by the U.S. Congress and the National Cable Television Association as the founder of the cable television industry. The company has easily adapted and continues to lead the way in the industry. They serve over 290,000 subscribers across 250 communities in Central and Northeastern Pennsylvania and Northwestern New Jersey. As such, we are proud to have our products serve a functional role in keeping their inventory secure.
DEA Cage Case Study

DEA Cage Case Study – Jay Mitchell

The Drug Enforcement Administrations (DEA) mission is, in short, to "enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States." As stipulated by Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations 1301.72, storage areas for Schedule III through V controlled substances require a high level of security.
toyota manufacturing

Toyota Manufacturing Plant Needed Organization

Our wire partitions were used in a Toyota manufacturing plant. Take a look at this Toyota manufacturing plant this week on Mondays With Milt.
wire partitions case study

Wire Partitions Case Study – St. Louis Craft Brewery

A St. Louis craft brewery wanted to create a dedicated space for empty bottle storage in addition to securing the storage area from damage that could then cause a collapse. Learn more in the wire partitions case study.
wire partition panels

Wire Partition Panels | Wells Fargo Case Study

Wells Fargo needed secure wire partition panels. Wells Fargo required multiple wire mesh partition cages within their downtown facility. Two cages were used to protect entering the computer server rooms. Several additional cages were used to control access to both financial and confidential information.

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